Editing and viewing your timelines
You can see all of your timelines on your Timelines Dashboard. You can get to the Timeline dashboard by clicking on ‘Dashboard’ at the top right of the Timetoast homepage when signed in.
To edit a timeline, first make sure you’re in the Timeline Editor for your timeline. From the Timeline dashboard, to edit a timeline, click on the three dots to the right of the timeline you wish to edit and choose ‘Edit’. This will take you to the Timeline Editor page for your timeline.
To edit events and timespans in a timeline, go to your Timeline Editor page for the timeline you wish to edit. It will look like this at the top:
Editing or deleting timeline details
To edit timeline details, including the title, simply click on the timeline title in the Timeline editor page.
This will bring up the timeline editor window. Here you can change the:
Publish status
Editable by
After you have made your changes, press 'Update timeline' to save the changes.
For more detail on the timeline editor window, you can refer to the creating timelines article.
To delete a timeline, go to your timeline dashboard. Click on the three dots to the right of the timeline you wish to delete and choose 'Delete'. This will present a confirmation dialog asking if you are sure. Press ‘OK” and the timeline will be deleted.
Editing, adding and deleting timeline events
To add an event, in the Timeline Editor, click ‘Add Event’. An Event Editor window will appear and you can add your event details. Refer to the article on creating timelines for more help on adding events.
To edit an event that you’ve already created, just click on the event in the timeline. This will bring up the Event Editor window. Just make sure you're in the Timeline Editor - you can get there by clicking on the three dots from your timeline page. You can make the changes you’d like, and press ‘Update event’.
To delete the event, press ‘Delete event’. This will present a confirmation dialog asking if you are sure. Press ‘OK” and the event will be deleted.
Viewing your timeline
From your Timeline Dashboard, click on the triple dot icon next to your timeline title and choose ‘View’.
You can view your timeline either as a list or as an interactive horizontal timeline. At the top right of the timeline, you can toggle between the two views by pressing ‘Timeline’ or ‘List’.
You can also change the size of the view by toggling between default, wide view and large/fullscreen view. Fullscreen mode is only available if your web browser supports it.
Publishing and printing timelines
Publishing timelines
Published timelines are listed on the site and all site visitors can view them. They can be indexed by search engines.
Draft timelines are not listed on the site.
You can publish timelines directly from your timeline dashboard page or the timeline edit page.
From your dashboard: Tap or click on the triple dot icon next to your timeline title, then click on or drag the slider from draft to published.
From the timeline edit page: Tap or click on the triple dot icon and click on or drag the slider from draft to published
Printing timelines
To view the print-friendly list version of the timeline, tap or click on the triple dot icon in the timeline header and select "Print". This will open your browser's print dialog.
Sharing your timeline
To share your timeline, tap or click on the triple dot icon in the timeline header and select ‘Share’. This will bring up a window to share or embed. Embedding timelines is available on our premium plans.
If your timeline is published, you can copy the public link and share this.
Sharing permissions
If you are in a group, you can share the timeline with the rest of the members of the group. Premium account holders can also share their timelines with individual Timetoast users.
You can also see your currently granted permissions in this window.